I helped to launch the beautiful Audi e-tron by diving into the promise of the full plug-in luxury vehicle, announcing to the world there’s no reason to sacrifice performance with a sustainable sensibility. It’s a gorgeous drive, that makes you feel like you are doing the right thing. That’s an electric feeling.
Kite, a leader in the cell therapy space, wanted to reinvigorate the story they were telling about their approach to beating cancer. They had the science, and we helped tell them that story in a more direct, and visual way on their new site.
But we also wanted to highlight the emotional impact of their science, so we focused on telling Stories of Hope. This video series, which garnered over a million views on their YouTube channel, focused on patients, and their families, beating certain forms of lymphoma and leukemia through cell therapy. It was an important story for Kite to tell, to lift cell therapy from an unproven and potentially risky way to fight cancer into a viable, safe, and efficacious approach.
I helped to write the synopsis of the 14 video series, edit the stories for maximum emotional impact, and develop the themes that carried through the tone of voice throughout.
Working with partners is a skill. For this original Audi Magazine exclusive comic, we worked with a team of artists at Marvel Comics, liaisons at Disney/Marvel, internal stakeholders at Audi of America and our own team to produce a very cool custom piece in advance of the second Avengers movie, featuring one of the vehicles that was due to be featured in the film. It was a heroic effort on everyone’s part.
Jazz legend Ron Carter not only agreed to be interviewed, he demanded it. An Audi lover, Carter was outraged with a previous cover that featured Tom Brady and, as a Guinness Book of World Record holder for being on the most recordings — including those of Miles Davis, Herbie Hancock and Tribe Called Quest, he asked why wasn’t he in the magazine. It was an excellent question, so we immediately went to New York to talk with him, his passion for allroad and his amazing discography. Carter even played a brief bass solo set for us, which hit all the right notes for me.
Bologna. Handcrafted performance. Soul. Ducati, which was part of the Audi family, had a great story to tell. We were able to tell it by going to the factory, soaking in the history, the pride in manufacturing, and the personal touch found in every Multistrada. For me, it was finding the deep beauty in a legendary brand, while dreaming of the sweet life, taking sharp corners on backroads through the Apennines.